
Medical Services

Doctor Charilena Giannakopoulou practice deals with all respiratory diseases and performs pulmonary function testing.

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To book an appointment call 2695028748 or 6976808978

Office address is Foskolou 26,
Zakynthos, Zip Code 29100

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Office hours

Monday to Friday. Appointment needed.

8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Frequent testing and prevention save lives!

Get informed about the most common respiratory diseases, and their prevention, diagnosis and treatment methods.



  • A spirometry test measures how healthy your lungs are and can be used to help diagnose and monitor lung conditions. During the test, you will breathe out as much air as you can, as hard as you can, into a device called a spirometer. The test measures how much air you can blow out in total and how much air you can blow out in the first second of the test. The test should not be painful and usually takes less than 10 minutes.

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Respiratory Muscle Meter

  • Respiratory muscle strength is an important part of lung function. Assessment of the respiratory muscles' ability to generate force is important for recognizing respiratory muscle weakness in both sick and healthy people.

    The simple non-invasive tests of respiratory muscle strength are essential in monitoring patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who are undergoing a program of lung rehabilitation and are also useful in the assessment of selected patients, most commonly those with neuromuscular diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple sclerosis, myasthenia, myopathies or unexplained breathlessness.

    It is necessary to measure the maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressures for early diagnosis of respiratory muscle weakness and for follow up the effectiveness of any neurological treatment.


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Lung Ultrasound

  • Lung ultrasound is the fastest, most direct, non-invasive diagnostic tool for the pulmonary patient, without complications and radiation.

    The use of lung ultrasound includes:

    • Diagnosis of pneumothorax

    • Diagnosis of pneumonia and follow-up

    • Diagnosis of atelectasis

    • Diagnosis of pleural effusion and follow up

    • Diagnosis of pulmonary edema and lung interstitial diseases

    • Diaphragm disorders

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Night Oximetry

  • Night oximetry consists of the all-night continuous measurement of arterial oxygen saturation.  This is done non-invasively with the pulse oximetry method. (SpO2).

    Drops in saturation values recorded during the night are considered one of the most important parameters in identifying sleep apnea. But the value of night oximetry extends beyond sleep apnea diagnosis. It can also be used for example in patients with COPD to determine the need for supplemental oxygen at night.

    Oxygen saturation is determined by a soft finger sensor, that brings minimum discomfort to the examinee, as the devise records all night the arterial oxygen saturation and the heart rate. After transferring the data to a computer, analysis is automated, and the results resented in graphical and numerical form.

    This initial evaluation of sleep apnea will help the physician to determine quickly and with reliability, if the examinee needs further testing, like lab polysomnography.

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Allergy Tests

  • Cutaneous dermal tests also known as prick tests are a reliable method of diagnosing IgE mediated allergic diseases. We used them in allergic patients with rhinitis, conjunctivitis, asthma and they provide useful information about the patient’s sensitization to allergens.

    Prick tests are minimally invasive, safe procedure and the results are immediately available.

    Skin dermal allergy tests are usually performed on the medial surface of the patient's forearm where specific allergen extracts are placed at constant distances to each other. These allergens can be dust mites, pollens of plants, weeds or trees, fungi, animal epithelia such as cats and dogs, food like dairy and nuts. During the test, the skin is gently pinched and after 15 to 20 minutes the reaction is readily available for reading.

    If the test is positive, a locally mild mosquito-like reaction is observed which gradually fades away without leaving any sign. Prick tests can be done at any age and are quite reliable. If you are allergic, you may react to one or more specific substances.

    In case of antihistamine regiment the treatment must be stopped for about a week prior to the tests.

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Smoking Cessation

  • Smoking cessation is the process of discontinuing tobacco smoking. Tobacco smoke contains nicotine, which is addictive and can cause dependence. Nicotine withdrawal makes the process of quitting often difficult.

    Many smokers are unable to quit or even reduce smoking, whereas the recurrence rate among those who manage to quit is extremely high. Smoking cessation is a complete medical intervention, with psychological and pharmacological support, if needed.

    In nicotine-dependent smokers, quitting smoking can lead to symptoms of nicotine withdrawal such as nicotine cravings, anxiety, irritability, depression, and weight gain. Professional smoking cessation support methods generally attempt to address nicotine withdrawal symptoms to help the client break free of nicotine addiction.

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